Special Needs of Persons with Achromatopsia
The following is a list of topics with which the publications for the Achromatopsia Network are concerned.
The following is a list of topics with which the publications for the Achromatopsia Network are concerned.
- The ways in which hypersensitivity to light has affected our lives
- Ways to cope with the changing levels of visual impairment that occur for achromats due to changes in the factors of illumination
- Options in tinted lenses for coping with hypersensitivity to light
- Designing home and work spaces to meet the special needs of achromats
- Effective communication with others about how we see, when we need assistance, and what kinds of assistance we need in various situations
- Coping with reading, writing, and other visually oriented tasks
- Ways in which our colorblindness affects our experiences, our options, and our participation in various kinds of activities
- Color concepts and communicating with others about color
- Coping with tasks that involve color identification or color coordinating
- Concerns about the visible manifestations of achromatopsia (squinting, blinking, nystagmus, etc.) and about wearing sunglasses
- Maximizing the use and enjoyment of our normal rod vision -- at twilight, at night, or indoors with favorable lighting
- Social and psychological aspects of having achromatopsia
- Ways in which having achromatopsia can affect relationships and dating
- Ways in which having achromatopsia can affect parenting experiences; coping with the challenges of being a visually impaired parent
- Experiences with vision care professionals, organizations, agencies, programs, and services for the blind and visually impaired
- Coming to terms with "labels" such as "legally blind" and "disabled"
- Coping with (1) the visual stress of achromatopsia, (2) the overall stress of having to manage with limited vision, and (3) neck, shoulder, and back tension.
- Obtaining equal access to educational opportunities and all public accommodations, including access to printed information and signage
- Special accommodations in school settings at all levels
- Optical aids for use with near vision tasks as well as distance vision
- Special needs of achromats in terms of orientation and mobility -- skills, strategies, and O & M resources networkers have used
- Vocational options and career counseling for persons with achromatopsia
- Special accommodations in the workplace
- Adaptive devices and adaptive methods used in the activities of daily living and in sports and other recreational activities
- Other ways in which having achromatopsia affects our lives